Thursday, January 17, 2019

Three Teacher Blogs
The reason I choose this blog is because it was very well organized. Each tab has different activities to be worked on for the kids. This is important because if a child would miss something the activity is online for the kids to catch up on. Another reason I choose this is because it didn't just have kindergarten classrooms, it had ages ranging from kindergarten to eighth grade and then a few math classes, so this blog could be for multiple students.
The reason I choose this blog was the daily schedule that is posted here. I think that for parents who look at this will appreciate that this is posted and updated to feel that connection with what the student is doing. It also gives a good sense of communication between teacher and parent.
This blog was chosen was because this teacher posted what day one to day five looked like. It looks like in this classroom they have technology, and this teacher incorporated this into her blog. She wanted to make the classroom a safe place for the students to use technology and how they can do this at home as well.

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