Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Reflective Wrap-Up Post

The classroom that I envision in my classroom is being a interactive classroom that will keep the kids focused in what we are learning. I currently work in a program before and after school. We are in the schools cafeteria for the time period, but during the time we have in there we do art and crafts, science and sensory, and gym games with the kids. Most of what is hanging around the cafeteria is what the kids have been working on throughout the month. Each month we have what’s called electronics day where the kids bring in a donation, and by doing this they can bring in an electronic to play with that morning and afternoon. In my future classroom setting I want the kids to have some experience with technology. Most classrooms will have students have their own iPods, but they won’t be able to take them home until the fifth grade. I will also have smartboards in the classroom, I think this makes learning more fun and there are a lot of things that we as teachers are able to do with smartboards. I think timewise students should get some kind of assignment and once they are finished for the day then they will be done. I also think that a good way for students to follow the rules more is giving them free time on their iPads but giving them more free time if they get a certain amount of points, and then they can get free time taken away if they didn’t meet that days goals.
The age group that I will want to work with is kindergarten. I think with this age group some struggles that I might face are being to into iPads or technology in that matter. Some students might focus on playing games more on them instead of actually doing the work. At home the student may take more time on the iPads and the electronics more than school work. It is the same thing in the world at large. Students could grow to be to engrossed in technology that what is going on around them. I think that it is still important to have the face to face interactions and that can be taught at a young age like this. The way that I can address these problems are by not letting them take electronics home from school. They will still have papers to work on and not everything will be with technology. At such a young age the students won’t be able to be on social media so that will not be a problem for students in my classroom.
Being in this class, taught me a lot about how technology will be interacted throughout the classroom and what resources can be used with electronics. I think I always grew up with some kind of technology in my classroom, but it is progressing each year and it is something that I have to get used to, with it being more and more efficient in ways. I think that some things that I may be wary of is the student being to engrossed into technology rather than the teaching of the classroom. This can teach the students to try to figure things out on their own. I know from watching kids, that when they have an electronic in front of them they tend click buttons and figure it out on their own, which in the end could help with problem solving skills. I am so excited that these students have access to such an interactive learning experience.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Classroom Design

This classroom is focused on kindergarten to third grade level. The reason I out the projector in the middle of the room is so the whole classroom is able to see what is going on. The teachers desk is off to the side but is still able to see all the students from the desk. Next to the teachers desk we have the computers. We only need two or three because each student will have their own iPad that they will keep in the classrooms. The circle rug is put in the back of the classroom but still facing the projector. Also this placement is here for when we have a discussion or we are reading a book, which is why the easel is there. Next to the circle rug is the book shelves that will be used for free read books and the circle rug can also be used for a nice comfortable place for the students to read which is why there is a comfy chair and a handbag chair there as well. The next thing is the kidney tables. This is for small group discussions. The teacher will be at the head of the table and the students are all around the table so that they can see the teacher while in discussion. Lastly is the student tables. The reason for this placement is because it is spread out enough that they can see everything in the classroom but still have the separate tables. 

Lesson Plan Supplemental Materials
