Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Classroom Design

This classroom is focused on kindergarten to third grade level. The reason I out the projector in the middle of the room is so the whole classroom is able to see what is going on. The teachers desk is off to the side but is still able to see all the students from the desk. Next to the teachers desk we have the computers. We only need two or three because each student will have their own iPad that they will keep in the classrooms. The circle rug is put in the back of the classroom but still facing the projector. Also this placement is here for when we have a discussion or we are reading a book, which is why the easel is there. Next to the circle rug is the book shelves that will be used for free read books and the circle rug can also be used for a nice comfortable place for the students to read which is why there is a comfy chair and a handbag chair there as well. The next thing is the kidney tables. This is for small group discussions. The teacher will be at the head of the table and the students are all around the table so that they can see the teacher while in discussion. Lastly is the student tables. The reason for this placement is because it is spread out enough that they can see everything in the classroom but still have the separate tables. 

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