Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Each website clearly stated what e-school meant to them and what they wanted the kids to take away from it. Each website has information that will be valuable in deciding whether to try e-schooling. I felt like some websites looked better and felt more welcoming than others. For example OHDELA’s website felt welcoming and the site was very well organized and easy to navigate things. The first thing that I saw when I visited the site were two students who look excited to learn, which makes me feel like a welcoming to the e-school. My overall thought on this website is that I felt like it was a good option to be enrolled in because of how much information is provided and how the site answered each question and made sure who to contact if I had anymore. One e-school I don’t think I would enroll my child in is Ohio Virtual Academy. This website had many good things about it and had a lot of information that pertained to what I was looking for. The only thing was that I was disorganized and a little harder to find things. The one thing I did enjoy was that they showed a picture and name of staff members. This gives a child an idea of who is teaching them. The other website that I looked at was Connections Academy. This one was also a very organized and looked like it was thought out. Some things that I enjoyed from this site was how it gave information of costs that would be needed. I could easily find the FAQs on here and it showed the curriculum for my child whether they are in elementary, middle, or high school. Overall I think that there are two sites that I think my child could go to OHDELA and Connections Academy Since these sites were very strong, clean and welcoming, it made me think that the school system and workload will be organized for the children.

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