Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Assistive Technology for students with Visual Impairments

Students who have visual impairments have a loss of vision that cannot be corrected with standard glasses. This disability makes it harder for the student to participate in every day activities. Each child is different, where in some cases one child may see more things and may be able to be involved in day to day task. Where another child may see less and have a harder time to go through activities from day to day. 
Assistive Technology for Visual Impairment
Assistive technology promotes more free by enabling people to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish, or had great difficulty accomplishing, by providing improvements to, or changing methods of interacting with, the technology needed to accomplish such tasks. An example of this is Braille technology. There is a Braille alphabet that students with visual impairments would learn to make more understanding for them. With that, there are keyboards that make it easier to do tasks at school on computers.
Another example of this is a finger mounted reading device. There is a prototype that they are trying to produce. There are two monitors on there that help the student guide its finger along the page by using vibrations. If the user of this device feels a vibration on the top of its finger it shows that they need to lower the finger as they are scrolling across the page. When vibration is indicated on the lower portion of the finger being used it shows that the finger needs to be raised. The other trail of this device has an audio feedback for the student. There is not a clear understanding of which one works better but the audio is a lighter version.


Future Directions
There are prototypes that are being made like the one you see above. I believe that in the future they will have a more compatible one that is easy to use, it's light, and there are ones that are wireless. With technology there is always a better way to improve it, and I think that with this device it will incorporate a lot more than vibrations and and sound with it. In the future I think that they will put Braille and this prototype together to have a better sense of learning for the child.
Works Cited
“Braille Technology Opens up a World of Content.” Vision Australia. Blindness and Low Vision Services, www.visionaustralia.org/information/living-independently/braille-technology-opens-up-a-world-of-content.
Pedersen, Amanda. “This Finger-Mounted Device Offers Reading to the Visually Impaired.” MDDI Online, 31 Jan. 2018, www.mddionline.com/finger-mounted-device-offers-reading-visually-impaired.

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