Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Exploring Standards-Based Lesson Plans

The class that I have decided to look further into in a lesson plan was Kindergarten. While looking at different lesson plans I noticed that a lot of the lesson plans were from Kindergarten to first grade. The plan that I choose is considered a language arts or English lesson plan. 
This is what is stated that the students are supposed to learn from this lesson and what the objectives should be. 
The common core standards are to confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood. This is the procedures and the activities that the students will go through with this lesson plan.
This lesson overall will help students become more respectful to each other as peers. I think in a classroom where the kids spend most of the time with each other, that they should be able to express themselves without being afraid of being judged by other classmates. I think that for the students it will be a challenge to have someone so young tell us what er are feeling without looking at others fishes to see what they have put and write and speak their own thoughts. 
This is the book that the lesson plan is based off of.

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